Abraham Hostels have spectacular breakfasts! There’s a lot more to cover – don’t worry. Today, we’re reviewing the Abraham Hostels group as a whole and individually, but, before we proceed, I gotta talk about what truly matters most…
Abraham Hostels are goddamn killing it in the breakfast department.
So, what about the rest? Well, I’ve just rounded up my hedonistic escapade of eating my way across the Abraham Hostel locations in Israel. They put me up, sent me on their prophetic tours, and, now, I’m turning in the fresh and tasty scoop (like their very good breakfast).
So if you’re considering staying at Abraham Hostels and any of their locations across Israel, here’s what to expect: dope pads coming in at a premium price. If you want more info, well… you’re just gonna have to keep reading!
You ready? Good, let’s do this then. In the words of the OG prophet himself:
Sababa egozim, yalla!

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A Disclaimer Before Hitting the Abrahams Review
In regards to both my work reviewing Abraham Tours and their associated hostels…
I got this stay for free. Straight off the bat, I want you to know that because I don’t like lying and I especially don’t like lying to cutiepies. And yours is the cutest of pies.
This whole grandiose adventure through some of the best and most famous hostels in Israel came to a grand total of $0… That’s a lotta free crapola! If that changes how you feel about this review, well, that’s totally fair.
I do, however, pride myself on my rather, let’s say, frugal living tendencies and I’ve taken special account to factor in the prices and relative value of these places. I guess what I’m saying is that a free iPhone is still an iPhone.
So, now that the formalities have been appropriately managed, let’s dive into this dissection! I’ll be honestly reviewing the Abraham Hostels in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, and Nazareth (though the Nazareth location is technically called Fauzi Azar, but that part comes later).

Photo: @themanwiththetinyguitar
The Abraham Hostel Review at a Glance
Maybe you don’t have the time to read a 4k review about a selection of hostels in Israel. That’s fair; I barely have time to patch that growing gooch-hole in my boxer-shorts. In that case, this section is for you.
Fauzi Azar notwithstanding (it stands as a bit of an outlier vibe-wise to the Jerusalem and Tel Aviv hostels), the hostels are excellent! The amenities are tight, they’re jam-packed with hostel event goodies, and they feel like premium hostels in a first-world country… which is exactly what they are.
You can definitely find cheaper places to stay in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem than Abraham hostels but, at the same time, you’ll be missing out on that level-10 social vibe. A lot of people travelling Israel float into these hostels usually on a short trip and usually a bit more splash-friendly with their cash – they aren’t strictly for backpackers. The travellers in Israel seem to be searching for exactly the setting that the Abraham hostels provide.
Does that make them the best place to stay in Israel? I dunno; I still like sleeping under the stars in the desert. But, for a squeak-free night in a comfy dorm, they’re most definitely right up there.
Abraham Hostel Tel Aviv Review
Ok, this is the big draw. I mean, everyone also goes to Jerusalem when backpacking in Israel, but Tel Aviv is the hipster cosmopolitan of the Holy Land! There’s no better place on planet Earth to try and nab a Tinder match with that fantastic Israeli gene-pool.

Photo: @abrahamhostels
And so the Abraham Hostel Tel Aviv? The Abraham Hostel in Tel Aviv is the perfect encapsulation of the city in every way. It’s exactly what the people I saw visiting Tel Aviv want. This place is loaded up to the eyeballs with every hostel life goodie imaginable.
The Bests and Worsts of Abraham Hostel Tel Aviv
- The dorms are swanky
- Rooftop sunset is smashing
- The deco is dope
- The rooftop is locked at sunrise… (Why like this?)
- Where ma hippies at?
Abraham Hostel Tel Aviv breakfast score: 8/10 – needs more hummus.
What’s the vibe like of the Abraham Hostel Tel Aviv?
It’s super swanky, man; like an indie-chic bunker. Kind of what I imagine hipsters would design their zombie apocalypse shelter to look like.
Let’s get one thing straight right off the bat: I really can’t say this place is for ‘broke backpackers’. The price of entry alone is too great (we’ll get to that later) and I saw way more suitcases and skinny jeans than backpacks and Thailand elephant pants.
Past that though, the vibe fits Tel Aviv like a glove. A vibrant young energy in a progressive (albeit expensive) city embodying everything ‘big city life’. I can take jabs at hipsters all day (and I will because I do love me some low-hanging fruit) but it really does feel exactly like what the heart of travellers wanting a one-week highlight-bender in Tel Aviv desire.

Photo: @abrahamhostels
It also brings in a lot of older ladies and gentlemen, digital nomads, and people on business trips to Israel… it’s a really huge scope of people.
What’s the setup like?
Yeah, this part is sick! The building itself is spectacular: the wall art, the interior design… hell, even the doors are cool!
The location is pretty damn central in the city center too. Tel Aviv isn’t big at the best of times but everything from the hostel is within walking distance. Unless you’re not a fan of walking but the buses in Tel Aviv are equally breezy, and there’s a ram and bus stop just down the road. The central bus station is a 20 minute walk, or 10 minute bus ride away.
The amenities are top-notch too! My bed literally did not squeak (believe me, I tested that bad boy) and was mega-comfy. For the record, they decked me out in a 6-bed dorm but the dorms go up to 12-bed which I imagine comes with all the caveats of hostel life. You can hardly blame Abraham hostels for your farting, snoring, potentially sneaky-wanking bunkmate.

The showers are… well… showers… but they’re great showers! Shared kitchen, air conditioning, free tea and coffee, building-wide free WiFi – look, I can list everything that the Tel Aviv Abraham Hostel has but that’s gonna be a real long list. Let’s just say that there were no glaring omissions to mention.
What about some extra goodies that I liked?
- The showers had free soap – I’m a fan.
- Also free earplugs – genius!
- Lots of Tel Aviv locals float in for the events and just to work on their laptops; it’s a really open environment.
- The Traveller Centre (in the lobby) is open all day to answer any questions on Tel Aviv, Abraham Tours… shit, they’ll even top-up your bus card! That said, the girl was kinda snarky whenever I asked a non-tour related question.
- Oh, it’s squeaky clean! I forgot that’s important – I’m used to India – but I know that it’s important to some people.
The Abraham Hostel Tel Aviv Events
Aw, dude, there are too many to mention them all. Suffice to say, there’s a crap-tonne! A lot of them are really cool and the emphasis is on building that social vibe.
Taking a (free) Hebrew lesson? Pull up a chair, a beer, and let’s get to know each other! Doing a cooking class? First, we’re going around the circle and discussing our names and relationship with food to break the ice (please, can we just cut to the eating shakshuka part).
There are a couple of big-ass group dinners every week, movie nights, chill nights, live music nights, party nights, pajama nights – full power! Of course, there’s a pub crawl.
Every. Goddamn. Night!

Photo: @abrahamhostels
Wanna get social, shitfaced, and silly in the White City? Abraham Hostel is, without a doubt, the best hostel in Tel Aviv to stay at! The vibe is cranking, the bar is well-stocked, and people are just there to have a bang-up time.
Oh, there’s a free pool table and foosball table too. Oath!
Any quibbles to nibble on?
Yeah, I dunno what the hell is up with the music. Sometimes there are some real old-school gems; some nights I get my wet dream indie-classics playlist.
But then sometimes it’s just trap hi-hats and mumble-singing. When the party nights rolled around, it wasn’t so much a set as DJ Half-A-Song skipping through his Spotify playlist after popping a few too many dexies.
I want to booogiiie!
Update: I think it’s just a matter of luck. Later on in the Jerusalem hostel, Abraham threw a party and holy mother of the Gods, that shit was bananas! Free booze, free food, and an absolutely sick live band.
If you’re there during an actual party and not one of the throwaway nights, you won’t be disappointed. Well, except there was no DnB.
Last thoughts of the Abraham Hostel Tel Aviv review
I said it would be an honest review, yeah? Price aside (we’ll get to that at the end of this review), the Tel Aviv Abraham Hostel is not homey per se but definitely still one of the best accommodations in Tel Aviv.
It’s flash as hell and soaked up to the eyeballs in the good stuff but also crazy big (over 200 beds) with an ‘appeal-to-everyone’ style. It’s hard to believe you won’t find your travel tribe here but for anyone that’s visiting Tel Aviv for the full Tel Aviv experience, it’s here in absolute spades. Plus, again, that breakfast, man.

Also, for the traveling workers and digital nomads who can afford a long stay at the higher prices, it’s certainly comfy living smack bang in the city center of Tel Aviv. And for you solo travelers looking to make some friends, well you’ll be sure to find some peeps here! The best hummus place is 15 minutes walk away, the beach is 25, and the bouldering gym is the same: yeah, I’m down.
Check it out below!
Abraham Hostel Jerusalem Review
For the Jerusalem part of the Abraham Hostels review, the setup is much the same but we turned the dial down several notches from eleven. That’s, however, not so much a reflection on Abraham Hostels as it is on Jerusalem. Tel Aviv is hokey-pokey ice cream; Jerusalem is lime. Lime ice cream?
No, just limes.

Photo: @abrahamhostels
If you’re looking for where to stay in Jerusalem – because you’re probably gonna go there regardless – Abraham Hostel is a damn good choice of places to stay. The social vibe is no less, the bar is still the meeting place, and, as I’m currently writing this from the Jerusalem hostel, whoever is in charge of the music is killin’ it! It just doesn’t have the energy of Tel Aviv.

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View on Osprey View on REIThe Bests and Worsts of Abraham Hostels Jerusalem
- There are guitars!
- The location is good
- There’s no proper smoking area
- Why are the corridors so long?
Abraham Hostel Jerusalem breakfast score: 7/10 – sometimes, there’s not even tahini. 🙁
What’s the vibe like at the Jerusalem Abraham hostel?
Yeah, look, straight up, the tourists here are generally a lot older and a lot of them praise Jesus. I’m not giving crap – to each their own – just stating the fact. This is much the vibe of Jerusalem.
A younger crowd still floats in for sure; pretty much everyone that travels to Israel is going to visit the old city that is Jerusalem. Of those guys, it’s still much the same vibe of the Tel Aviv Abraham – short holidayers on a sightseeing tour.

But that’s chill! People like to meet and greet, share some drinks and smiles, and enjoy their vacation. The vibe is good!
What’s the setup like?
Again, take the Tel Aviv Abraham Hostel, tone it down a few shades, and you get the gist. The amenities are still tight as hell (just noticeably a bit less modern). Oh, and I didn’t mention it yet, but you get (both in the Jerusalem and Tel Aviv Abrahams) a personal light, power point, and charging port for your dorm bed plus a shelf. I am such a fan!
I also dig the location. Far enough away from the old city to escape the hordes of ambling tourists but still close enough to walk to the city center. The tram and bus stop is literally in front of the door with the Jerusalem’s light rail being just around the corner, and you’re a stone’s throw away from the markets and a bunch of cheap places to eat.

Photo: @abrahamhostels
Outside of that, there’s no real note of mention that the Jerusalem hostel has (or lacks) compared to Tel Aviv. Just a touch less hipster.
The Jerusalem Hostel Tel Aviv Events
Yep, there’s still plenty of focus on the social vibe! It’s not as cranking, but it’s there. Cooking classes, hummus workshops, happy hour at the bar, live music nights, family dinners – the common room always has something going on, perfect for you solo travellers.
Also, there are plenty of tours. Abraham Tours is a pretty big deal in its own right and there are heaps running from Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Nazareth, and elsewhere. Am I reviewing that here? Na, you can check out my Abraham Tours review for that scoop of shakshuka (although I am strongly recommending the Meet the Ultra-Orthodox Jews tour in Jerusalem – crazy interesting). But having these tours right on your doorstep (or bunk ladder?) is what makes the Abraham chains amongst the best hostels in Israel.

Photo: @abrahamhostels
You even get a pub crawl… in Jerusalem… the City of God… it’s a thing! It only runs two nights a week but getting cheap drunk on Arak and Tubi is both delicious and grand fun (the blood of Christ is also acceptable). I can confirm, there is definitely nightlife in Jerusalem; just ask the local kids smoking up round the corner from the hostel on Shabbat!
Any quibbles to nibble on?
Yeah, they barricaded me off from my hummus and pita in the fridge during Shabbat dinner. Guys, I just want my hummus.
Last thoughts of the Abraham Hostel Jerusalem review
I think you get it. It’s like the Tel Aviv Abrahams, but without the bursting energy. It’s one of the best places to stay in Jerusalem.
Full of people and very social, it’s got everything you need for hostel living. It also provides a nice counter-balance to… well… Jerusalem. I think once you get there, you’ll know what I mean.

Need a place to shelter? Abraham hostel in Jerusalem is a solid choice of accommodation. Have a squiz.
Fauzi Azar Review (The Abraham Hostel in Nazareth)
Dude, I love here so much. This is the choice of Abraham Hostels I stayed the least time at (being told there “Wasn’t much in Nazareth”) and I infinitely regret that. Fauzi Azar is bloody magnificent!

Photo: @abrahamhostels
The building is drop-dead gorgeous, the city of Nazareth is a gorgeous place to visit in Israel and so much more chill and authentic feeling than Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, and the peeps that work there know how to talk shit and hold a conversation. Ten-outta-fucking-ten.
The Bests and Worsts of Fauzi Azar
- Oh, the architecture, oh, yum
- Can practice your Arabic
- There’s a pigeon roosting in the stairwell
- There’s no climbing gym in Nazareth
- The kettle in the communal kitchen can eat my farts
Fauzi Azar breakfast score: 10/10 – except when there’s no hummus. Then it’s a 9.
What’s the vibe like of Fauzi Azar?
Chill! So deliciously chill. That’s not to say it’s where the chillers go (if you catch my drift) but generally the chillers don’t stay at Abraham Hostels regardless.

People still rock up, sink some beers, and talk some smack, but it’s nice and quiet. Look, maybe I’m just getting old or maybe I’ve been travelling too long, but this is my vibe. A beautiful quiet building in a beautiful quiet city filled with cats. Yes, please.
What’s the setup like?
The hostel hosts a ton of amenities that are all still there (hot showers, air conditioning, free WiFi, kitchen) but the building is so much older – a 200-year-old Arab-Christian mansion (maybe it’s technically not a mansion but it feels like a mansion to me) named Fauzi Azar after the late patriarch of the family. Everything (the lobby notwithstanding) feels like stepping back in time: a beautiful courtyard, old stone steps, chandelier and frescoes… even the dorm feels like a servant’s quarters.

Photo: @abrahamhostels
The whole building has history to uncover but that’s up to you. Go stay and you’ll learn all about it. You’re right in the heart of the old town of Nazareth too and that’s a very nice place to be.
Fauzi Azar Hostel Events
There are not nearly as many:
- Cooking workshops and Arabic lessons run a couple of times a week.
- The free daily city tour.
- Friday music night.
- Happy half-hour every night – 5 shekel beer.
- Plus, the Abraham tours running from Nazareth
Yup, that’s it! Sounds boring? Good, read a book!

Any quibbles to nibble on?
Yeah, that asshat kettle is the bane of my existence and can die in a fire.
Last thoughts of the Fauzi Azar review (The Abraham Hostel in Nazareth)
It’s an extremely wonderful alternative to the vibe of the other Abraham Hostels. I understand that I’m a bit of an oddball (understatement of the year) and I seek a different vibe from many travellers. A lotta backpackers want pub crawls and nightly events and that’s cool but, well, this is my review and Fauzi Azar was my favourite Abraham Hostel so poops to you!

If you’re like me and like chill places with fewer things to do and tourists around, Fauzi Azar (and Nazareth) is a win. If you’re heading north, it’s worth the stopover. Otherwise, the hostel in Tel Aviv has got the mega-hostel goodness and absolute buckets of it too.
A Few Last Factors I Want to Cover About Abraham Hostels
The first thing is pretty simple. I want to mention that the Abraham hostel hosts a shuttle is a thing and a super-easy way to get between their accommodation offerings (although at a higher price than public transport). If you’re on a whirlwind tour, or just lazy, it’s worth the consideration.
There’s even an airport shuttle through the Abraham Hostel in Tel Aviv to make things extra easy. Feels like cheating, really!
Number two is…
Abraham Hostel in Eilat
It’s here! It opened some time in 2020. I haven’t been, but my gut says the vibe will be much closer to the Tel Aviv Abraham Hostel more than anything else but that’s to be expected considering it’s Eilat.
So, you’ll have a top-notch, albeit pricey, hostel right by the Red Sea! Eilat feels something like a mini-Vegas but the Red Sea is absolutely spectacular and the Negev Desert and sights of southern Israel are truly something magnificent to behold.

Photo: @themanwiththetinyguitar
There’s diving in Eilat, hiking outside of it, and you’re only a couple hours drive from Mitzpe Ramon. This is definitely a hostel in Israel to consider.
The Prices of Abraham Hostels
Ok, let’s talk about the elephant in the room. Israel is not a cheap country to travel but these hostels are pricey even by the standards of hostels in Israel. I had no idea initially (courtesy of the free stay).
It wasn’t until I told my friend – who was flying to Israel to visit me – where I’d been staying and I received the message “Yeah, I’m not staying there,” that I actually bothered to look up the dorm price and had a minor aneurysm. She, much like me, is a total dirtbag.
Working traveller or not, I still ain’t rolling in the swag-bucks (digital nomadacy ain’t strictly a lucrative career…) and under normal circumstances, I wouldn’t be able to afford a stay at the Abraham Hostels in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem (Fauzi Azar gets a pass because it’s awesome and there are limited accommodation options in Nazareth). There are simply much cheaper hostels in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem.

Photo: @abrahamhostels
Why’s it so expensive? I have no idea. But, to be fair, I’m pretty sure I was eating $20 worth of those free breakfasts alone (never leave me unattended with an all-you-can-eat buffet). Also, I might have taken like 15 pairs of earplugs.
Regardless, this is “The Broke Backpacker” and I do feel like we have the core tenet of the budget backpacking lifestyle to uphold (an artform very close to my heart), so here are a few budget backpacking tips in case you do choose to stay at Abraham Hostels.
Budget Tips for Abraham Hostels:
- Abuse that free food – Overeat hard on a very good breakfast. That’ll carry you through to dinner nicely. Combine that with a felafel pita for your dinner and I was spending 15 shekels a day. There’s cheap food even in Tel Aviv.
- Doubly abuse that free food – Another guest told me the staff is cool with you wrapping up a plate from breakfast and saving it for later. I don’t know how true that is as I never tried (I didn’t want to overstay my welcome) but I do know that in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, they’ll give the leftovers from the staff lunch out as free food for guests. Keep an eye out from around 1-2ish.
- Dumpster dive – Jerusalem is good but Tel Aviv is an absolute gold mine! It’s not just food either; I replaced half my wardrobe in Tel Aviv.
- For the drinkers – Happy hour is the time or stick to Arak or Tubi mixed with soda water. It’s the best-value way to get hammered. Tubi gives you a little extra kick too.
- Volunteer – Ya-ha! There’s an Abraham hostel volunteer program. Work some hours and get free breakfast, a free bed, blah-blah-blah. You’re a traveller: you know how these workaway gigs are!

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Hide Yo’ Money!Reviewing the Abraham Hostels Review
Phew! I think that shaped up pretty well! I think it’s clear that Abraham Hostels is not my vibe – not by any stretch. But I’m not the arbiter of what is and isn’t a good vibe – only what I like.
Do I think you should stay at the Abraham Hostels in Israel? I couldn’t tell you; that’s not up to me. I laid it all out and now the rest is on you.

Photo: @abrahamhostels
But I do think that they are incredibly awesome places to stay in Israel. Jerusalem is meh but that’s because of Jerusalem – not the hostel. Abraham Hostel is still a fantastic choice of accommodation in Jerusalem.
Fauzi Azar… well, you already know my feelings on that installment of the Abraham Hostels in Nazareth (it rocks my socks). And the Abraham Hostel in Tel Aviv?
Nothing could be more Tel Aviv. It’s well worth the splurge for that weekend trip to Tel Aviv, plus you can’t beat that location within walking distance of most attractions.
If none of that is successfully floating your boat though, then there’s always Option D. Grab a tent, a sleeping bag, and go pitch up in the desert. The Bedouin have been doing that for years, so there must be something in it.
Sleep tight!

Photo: @abrahamhostels
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