Mathilde Magnier
A self-admitted travel-yoga-junkie, Mathilde Aude Magnier is French-born but raised in Brussel. A natural-born butterfly, She's spent most of her adult life hovering between Australia's obscenely high minimum wage and putting that EU-proof passport to good use travelling Western Europe.
Quick with the pen and quicker with a smile, she'll dazzle you with a look before delivering you the inside scoop on who has the best yoga shack in town. Be careful leaving your smoothie bowl unattended around Mathilde though; she's quick with that too.
Quick with the pen and quicker with a smile, she'll dazzle you with a look before delivering you the inside scoop on who has the best yoga shack in town. Be careful leaving your smoothie bowl unattended around Mathilde though; she's quick with that too.